Date: 19-22 February 2019
Venue: Golden Tulip El Mechtel Hotel, Tunis, Tunisia
Funded by: African Union Commission (AUC)
13 M&E focal person who will be responsible to manage their consortium M&E activities with regard to GMES & Africa.
The four-day workshop aims to build capacity, foster common understanding and support the experts with monitoring and evaluation tools and protocols required in the implementation process of GMES & Africa.
The workshop helps consortia effectively to manage their grant projects by ensuring that fund is spent in a transparent, efficient and fair manner through consistent collection of data periodically that allow project managers to make informed decisions.
The workshop used as a forum to examine the different components of the M&E system with opportunities to identify challenges and do best practices.
The principal objective of this workshop is to support the GMES consortia in enhancing their capacities in implementing GMES M&E activities. It aims to equip participants with skills, knowledge and tools necessary for effective and systematic monitoring and evaluation of GMES & Africa grant project.
Workshop Contents
· -Overview of GMES Programme.
· -Overview of GMES program Log frame.
· -Alignment of consortia log frames with GMES program Log frame.
· -Reporting.
· -Consortia work plan.
· -Developing M&E strategy and plan for Consortia.
Workshop Achievements
· - Improved understanding of GMES & Africa overall log frame and how each consortia contributes towards achieving the results of the overall log frame.
· - Common understanding on GMES & Africa reporting requirements (frequency of reporting, reporting template).
· - Enhanced Performance measurement framework (PMF) of each consortium (indicators, baseline and target, data collection method and frequency, responsibility).
· - Develop consolidated GMES M&E Strategy and plan.