Experts from EU and AUC visited NARSS during the period from 17-20 February 2020 to for the interview and mid-term review of the project and the GMES & Africa Support Program. The Main Objective of the Mission is to take stock of the results so far achieved and critically review all aspects of the program design to recommend amendments as required to adapt to evolving circumstances and improve program effectiveness. The MTR entails a combination of field and analytical work to:
(i) validate the continued relevance of the program;
(ii) review implementation performance comprising quality of program management, M&E, performance of key partners, gender and poverty focus, effectiveness of targeting, innovation and learning, and climate/environment focus;
(iii) assess the effectiveness of implementation with respect to the outputs, outcomes and impact;
(iv) identify and assess the sustainability and exit strategies, including program performance on institution building, strength and performance of implementing consortia, quality of participation, responsiveness to service provision;
(v) assess program performance on non-infrastructure activities comprising policy engagement, partnership and knowledge management;
(vi) identify potentials for scaling up and replication within and outside the program and beyond this phase of the program;
(vii) assess fiduciary issues including level of draw down, compliance to the Financing Agreement; and
(viii) make recommendations to address identified issues and propose measures and or adjust the program design to improve on effectiveness. (See the guidance tables overleaf for the indicative MTR criteria).
The experts met all the consortia team from Egypt (NARSS, CEDARE, Cartologic) and got impressed with the development of the project and achievements so far even with no provided fund of the second trench of 2019.
MTR Mission